
เทคนิค ถาม และ ตอบ

XP Embedded Boot Times

  • no.2457
  • 2004-03-10
I have been trying to get quick boot times with XP embedded on a 300MHz Geode CPU, 128MB RAM PC/104 system with the OS on an Ultra-II Sandisk Compact Flash(the fastest available to-date). I have used the Minlogon sample Macro that gives perhaps the minimal usable functions and minimal footprint. Even then XPE takes more than 50 seconds to boot into the simple command prompt! Most of the time spend on the "Blue" screen and extensive disk reads. This is a rather slow wait for most embedded systems that usually needs to be up and about within 15 seconds of power on! (forget about hiberating or suspending as many embedded systems are switched off by simply pulling the plug). Just to check the hardware I tried DOS boot only and this took just 5 seconds after bios checks! Microsoft claimed somewhere that XPE can be made to boot in under 30 seconds! But which configuration does this? I am begining to think that XP Embedded is only suited for heavy-weight guzzlers like Pentium IV 2GHz++ machines with 10,000++rpm spining disks in desktop PC like "devices". Has anyone got better results? Please share your experience about bench-marking XPE boot perfomance. Thank you