
เทคนิค ถาม และ ตอบ

Serial KITL

  • no.2381
  • 2004-12-09
Hi, I modified the CEPC code to fit my Xscale for Serial KITL. Am using Active Serial KITL. I am using BTUART for serial debug messages and FFUART for my KITL. then, in my serial receive messages, i am not hanging infinetly, waiting for some time and coming out. so this will also not affect i belive. Please help me out. My Platform Builder debug window Shows Kernel debugger is waiting to connect with target. 0 PID:0 TID:0 Calling from OEM Init after Debug Ether ....Peter After the above message nothing is omcing ...but in my serial debug window(hyperterminal), i am able to see that SerialSendRaw() function is called and the kernel is alive, not hanging anywhere. Thanks in advance, Peter