News & Training


reg. headless image on a cf

  • no.2246
  • 2004-11-25
Hello all, I am slightly confused logically as exactly how is it with a headless image creation on a compact flash. Well lemme go in detail a bit. I have an embedded pc with a compact flash of 256mb and I wanted to create a xpe on it. But the main problem is that I must establish a network connection to the embedded pc via Remote Desktop protocol from my desktop system. Well as it goes if i add necessary networking components and ethernet adapter driver, and create the image following all the necessary procs, will that be sufficient? Will there be no need to configure manually any settings in my embedded pc? Actually I am employing a cross over cable for my connection and can access the e-pc using the mac address. As i dont have any VDU in my embedded pc, will this procedure work out? Hope some one help me out with this ..... thnx, vignaesh