

Why should I include the .NET Compact Framework into the operating system configurations that I buil

  • no.2934
  • 2011-03-31
There are numerous benefits to including the .NET Compact Framework on your device. From an end-user perspective, having the .NET Compact Framework on a device expands the number of rich applications and Web services to take advantage of. From a developer perspective, the inclusion of the .NET Compact Framework simplifies and reduces the effort, thereby increasing developer productivity. The .NET Compact Framework offers a choice of languages (initially Visual Basic and Visual C#) and eliminates the common problems faced with language interoperability. For example, Visual C# and Visual Basic components can easily co-mingle within a solution, thereby enabling a broader set of applications that can run on your device. In addition, every language supported by the .NET Compact Framework has equal access to the underlying features of the framework and the OS. The .NET Compact Framework also makes a rich framework available to programmers, including user interface classes, data access, XML support, automatic memory management, and garbage collection.