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McAfee Application Control

McAfee Application Control offers protection against both known and unknown zero-day polymorphic threats, including malware such as worms, viruses, Trojans, and buffer-overflow threats. It provides an efficient method to block unauthorized applications, utilizing a dynamic trust model that eliminates the need for labor-intensive whitelists. McAfee Embedded Security delivers a comprehensive solution for managing IT infrastructure, reducing the risk posed by unauthorized applications and enhancing endpoint control.

McAfee Application Control

Dynamic whitelisting

Maximize administrator efficiency with a dynamic trust model that does not require signature updates or labor-intensive list management

Minimize patch cycles and protect memory

Eliminate “patch updates” using a validated countermeasure that maintains your regular patch cycles and prevents whitelisted applications from being exploited via memory buffer overflow attacks on Windows 32- and 64-bit systems.

Increase efficiency

Optimize and simplify management with the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) platform.


  • Zero-day threats

  • Fixed function systems

    (POS terminals, ATM devices, fixed function Microsoft Windows Embedded and Servers).

  • Lower cost of ownership because dynamic whitelisting eliminates manual effort.

  • Leverages your security investment in McAfee ePO software

  • Low overhead software solution that runs transparently on endpoints.

Major market

The devices need to protect against security risks, the solution reduces support costs by eliminating the need for anti-virus software and constant updates. And, with specific support for a wide range of vertical markets. These devices run thousands of existing applications ranging from small to high end including

  • Advanced Set-top Boxes

  • Self-checkout devices

  • Point-of-sale terminals

  • Handheld devices in retail stores

  • Medical Equipment’s

  • ATMs in Banks

  • Gaming Devices

  • Home Automation Gateways

  • Industrial Controls

  • Intelligent Appliances

  • Multimedia Internet Devices

  • Digital Signage

  • Mobile Point of Service

  • Monitoring Devices

  • Multi-Function Printers

  • Networked Media Devices

  • Thin Clients

  • Kiosks

  • Servers

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